Make your own photo greeting cards, menus, invitations, labels, scrapbook pages, family trees, brochures, business cards, newsletters, letterhead, and more. This greeting card software is well designed; instructions are woven throughout the program so it's easy to find what you need in PrintMaster Greeting Cards Deluxe. Let your creativity soar with PrintMaster Platinum, the ultimate design software for making personalized print projects. Get started with one of 4,300+ inspiring. Printmaster Greeting Cards - Create the perfect card for every occasion!. PrintMaster Greeting Cards Deluxe helps you create one-of-a-kind greeting cards and invitations that people will remember and save!. PrintMaster 2012 Platinum, your key to thousands of creative project possibilities, now comes with a complete Scrapbooking solution so you can keep all those special. PrintMaster Platinum is chock-full of different elements that can be used to make everything from greeting cards to scrapbooks to calendars. Its plethora of features. PrintMaster is the creative solution for creating greeting cards, signs, and so much more at home. Enjoy PrintMaster Platinum’s easy-to-use card making software as you make unique and appealing greeting cards. Read our full review for more information.