Tugboat Printshop's LIFE OF LEISURE Woodcut Prints ~ Ongoing Series of Full Color Woodblock Prints! Limited Edition Art Prints Available for Purchase Here!. noun 1. a carved block of wood from which prints are made. 2. a print or impression from such a block. How to Print http://howtoprint.com/2011/print-terms/what-is-woodcut/ (accessed: June 30, 2014). Modern Language Association (MLA): "What is Woodcut?". Angst (1896) Woodcut by the Norwegian Expressionist artist Edvard Munch. Simple Process. Woodcut or woodblock printing is a much simpler fine art process than. For Japanese woodblock printing,. On paper, European woodcut prints with coloured blocks were invented in Germany in 1508 and are known as chiaroscuro woodcuts. wood·cut (w d k t) n. 1. A block of wood on whose surface a design for printing is engraved along the grain. 2. A print made from a woodcut. Also called woodblock. In Europe, Woodcut is the oldest technique used for old master prints, developing about 1400, by using, on paper, existing techniques for printing on cloth. As an example of relief printing, woodcuts represent an artistic approach to printmaking that has been around for centuries. Beginning with a simple block. woodcut, technique of printing designs from planks of wood incised parallel to the vertical axis of the wood’s grain. It is one of the oldest methods of making.